"Open Eyes" Art Exhibition


Hệ thống Bệnh viện Mắt Sài Gòn


The Best CSR Campaign


1/3/2023 - 15/11/2023


Strategic & Creative Lead: 9SOUL; Artists: Hoàng Người Đá, Tidu, Tòong Teng Studio; Event Agency: SAM




"Open Eyes" Art Exhibition, the first-ever art exhibition organized by a medical entity in Vietnam, Saigon Eye Hospital Chain (SGEH). The exhibition is designed to raise awareness about the importance of eye health in our modern lifestyles and stands out as a unique initiative, harnessing the power of art to convey critical health messages.  

The "Open Eyes" Art Exhibition is an educational and CSR platform, aimed at reminding the importance of “opening our eyes” each day. Instead of opening our eyes only to immerse in electronic device screens, adding pressure to the eyes, let’s opening our eyes together to enlighten ourselves about the wonders of human eyes, the impact of modern lifestyles on eye health, and the critical need for eye care through visual art.  

The "OPEN" EYES Exhibition was proudly recognized at the Healthcare Asia Award as Health Promotion Initiative of the year in Vietnam.  


At Saigon Eye Hospital Chain (SGEH), we are passionately committed to eye health. Through our 20 years of development, SGEH have initiated many educational and CSR programs to raise community awareness about eye health.  


Nowadays, the youth (18 – 25 years old) and young parents (25 - 35 years old), who are the key target groups of our campaigns, are often at risk of neglecting their eye health due to busy lifestyles. They are glued to screens more than ever. This constant screen time is starting to take a toll, leading to issues like myopia, which now affects 3 in 10 people in Vietnam. Despite this growing concern, there's a lack of simple, easy-to-understand, and engaging information on eye health. This shortfall makes it challenging for individuals to comprehend the critical importance of eye care, resulting in many skipping the regular check-ups that the Ministry of Health highly recommends.  


SGEH, Vietnam's premier Eye Hospital Chain, recognized an opportunity to leverage its market dominance by launching a unique initiative. In honor of its 19th anniversary, SGEH created an educational and CSR platform that harnesses the power of art to convey critical health messages to the target audience.


- Brand Awareness: positioning SGEH as a “pioneering – innovative – social responsible” leader in its field.

- Brand Love: resonating emotionally with the public, enlighten them about the wonders of human eyes, the impact of modern lifestyles on eye health, and the critical need for eye care.

- Business Growth: boosting the hospital's business by encouraging more people to get the regular check-ups.  

In long term, SGEH is committed to building on the success of the "Open Eyes" Exhibition. We plan to host an annual exhibition to make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of our community, collaborating with more local artists and reaching more to underserved areas. Our goal is to continue spreading crucial eye health information through the medium of art, ensuring a brighter and healthier future for all.


Every morning, we open our eyes, but we’ve forgotten what that really means. It’s not just about starting the day – it’s supposed to be about seeing all the amazing things out there. Yet, we end up staring at screens all day, putting a lot of stress on our eyes, and we miss seeing the beauty of the world. We should be looking forward to discovering new things every time we open our eyes.    

It’s easier to notice when something's wrong with our body, like when we're out of breath or feeling sluggish. But with our eyes, the trouble isn’t so obvious until it’s serious. We often don’t get how bad it can be until we see it with our own eyes or it happens to us.    

“Every time, we open our eyes, we put a lot of stress on it, and we miss seeing the beauty of the world, including the wonder of eyes”    

We should aim to open our eyes every day not just to the usual routine, but to all the exciting and wonderful things our eyes let us see, without harming them in the process.    

Imagine just waking up to a chill day, ready to “open our eyes to explore the cool and new stuff about the wonders of human eyes without any extra strain on our eyes”. That's the dream, isn't it?



The first-ever art exhibition for the eyes, inspired from a thousand of used spectacle lenses.    

"OPEN” EYES Art Exhibition is an educational and CSR platform, aimed at reminding the importance of “opening our eyes” each day. Instead of opening our eyes only to immerse in electronic device screens, adding pressure to the eyes, let’s opening our eyes together to marvel at the wonders of the eyes through visual art.    

Interestingly, the exhibition's name, "OPEN" EYES, cleverly coincides with the Vietnamese term "mở mắt" which shares the hashtag #mo_mat with common searches related to "blurry vision" and "eye surgery" – "mờ mắt" and "mổ mắt". This overlap in search terms naturally enhances the discoverability of the exhibition, while simultaneously providing those seeking eye health information with valuable, inspirational content.    

The "OPEN” EYES Art Exhibition were open to the public, with free admission, making it accessible to all. It brings a fresh touch to healthcare with art that truly moves people and makes them see eye care in a new light.    

Special Points of the Exhibition:    

1. Art as Experience: We've gone beyond the usual to use art that really speaks to the heart, leaving a lasting impression on all who see it.    

2. Meaningful Concept:  

• “Open eyes” isn't just about waking up – it’s about the thrill of finding something new, sparking a desire to learn and see more.  

• “Open eyes” is about setting our sights free and enjoying the full range of visions our eyes give us.    

3. Special Materials: Every piece of art tells a tale, inspired by over 600,000 patients who found freedom from eye conditions at our hospital. The art is made from more than 11,700 recycled lenses, turning what was once essential to someone's sight into a message of eye care for all.    

4. Resonant Storytelling: Each piece lets you walk in the shoes of someone who's fought for their vision, showing the value of healthy eyes through four themes: "OPEN" EYES, FREEDOM, WONDER, and LOVE EYES.  

• "OPEN" EYES: Welcomes you into a world of sight, showcasing the largest artwork made from recycled lenses in Vietnam.

• FREEDOM: Shares the struggle and triumph over eye issues through the eyes of eight special patients, each represented by a sculpture.  

• WONDER: Takes you into the intricate beauty of the eye, reflected in detailed mosaic art.  

• LOVE EYES: Offers a place to connect, take photos with your eyes, and get inspired to keep your eyes healthy with free check-ups and care advice.


We're tapping into the digital realm and harnessing the power of community to spread the word about our art exhibition by:

Creating Buzz with Lens Materials:  

We're collecting old lenses and vision recovery stories to spark curiosity and involvement. People get excited about contributing to the art pieces, becoming part of something that gives back to the community.    

Stoking Curiosity with Renowned Artists:  

Announcing famous contemporary artists like Hoang Nguoi Da, Tidu, and Toong Teng Studio who have taken on the challenge of giving new life to these lenses. These artists are known for their unique styles and impactful community works.

Teasing Interest in the "Open Eyes" concept:  

We're building awareness and curiosity by redefining the act of "opening eyes." We're teasing what you'll discover at the exhibition and inviting everyone to join the movement alongside our ambassador, singer Nguyen Ha, to make a commitment to love and care for their eyes.    

Experiencing the "Open Eyes" Journey:  

With a mix of creative tactics and approaches (Display Ads, PR, KOLs, POSMs...), the exhibition is drawing in crowds for a unique experience. Influencers, art lovers, and media outlets are getting involved, sharing the excitement.    

Spreading the "Love Eyes" Spirit:  

We're keeping the inspiration flowing with a drawing contest. Nearly 300 artworks have been created as tributes to the beauty of sight.    

The exhibition kicked off with a two-day event in Ho Chi Minh City, followed by shows in Da Nang, and then the artworks went on display in hospitals and community art spaces.


In 4 day stretch, "Open Eyes" Art Exhibition gathered remarkable attention from the public, with an astonishing attendance of 15,000 people. The impact extended beyond the exhibition halls, generating over 2 million social media engagements and extensive media coverage. These numbers underscore the effectiveness of "Open Eyes" Exhibition series in achieving its awareness goals and engaging the community in discussions about eye health through unique art platform.    

Over the course of the two-week campaign, we achieved remarkable success:    

• Reached over 4,5 million targeted individuals, generating over 2 million social media engagements  

• Attracted over 15,000 visitors, with a 98% rate of positive sentiment based on surveys conducted at the exhibition.  

• Saw a significant increase of 27% in routine eye examinations at the Saigon Eye Hospital System compared to the same period in the previous year.

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