The Best Use of Social Media Content


01/12/2021 - 31/12/2021




2021 was experienced as a year of many toughs and transformations for everyone. Social distancing due to the pandemic, 6 months of continuously overcoming difficulties with frontline heroes rushing to the anti-epidemic front, there have been many campaigns to honor those heroes who volunteer in that battle, those sacrifices are greatly appreciated. But, most of us forget that there is a silent hero who is always beside, protecting and supporting our own spirit, to overcome those tough days - is our "Home" (Nhà, in Vietnamese, it also means Family)
As a brand that has been a companion with many Vietnamese families for many years, Samsung TV has always been there to witness both the ups and downs, to connect people when family gathering. Samsung wants to enhance its role by emphasizing the connection that has always been there with every Vietnamese family bond during Covid, by conveying a message of “Thank You Home” - the silent hero, which ignited by a meaningful and touching Content Strategy.


Leverage Tet as the most special time to talk about reunion, especially after the pandemic, nothing can compare to having all family members gathering. Instead of realistic values, Vietnamese people now embrace the together-moments. We want to grasp the common Vietnamese family culture in which “thank you” and “sorry” are regarded as formal and rarely said. Like Mom expresses her “Sorry” by “Come down to eat child!” or Dad replaces his “Thank you” with “What do you want to eat tomorrow?”. Reflected by that, we, as their children, have been too shy to appreciate them. Shyness takes over but it does not mean losing the family bond because the year 2021 has awakened our gratefulness about little things around, including a thank you and sorry. All of us seem to have learnt to appreciate the preciousness of the familiar caring actions or just simply our family's safe and sound and togetherness. Samsung believes that it's time to popularize “Thank You Home", and everyone of us can express our appreciation to our “Home" without hesitation and shyness.
On the other hand, to make the campaign message effectively spread and organically viral, Samsung focused on maximizing the impact of ligh-hearted content, with strong support by leveraging social power. In fact, Social also witnessed an aggressive rise event after pandemic as a new norm of media behavior, proven by the increase in users across top 3 popular platforms (Facebook increased 27%, Youtube increased 26%, Tiktok increased 36% in Q2 ’21 vs. Q4 ’20). In addition, Music is always one of the most popular content types among mass people because of its easy-catching nature. So delivering campaign message via music may not be new but still a smart approach and powerful tool to drive virality, especially with touching message.


Well capturing the consumer's insight and behaviors, Samsung corporated with two young artists to release the music video - Hoàng Dũng and Suni Hạ Linh, who are popular among young audiences by their gentle music style with their own uniqueness, as well as have family-relevant imagery.
Given limited budget, Samsung aimed to gain organic impact across channels and platforms by smart use of social tactics. In which, we cannot miss out the opportunity to leverage the influence of the lead KOLs, that's why choosing Hoàng Dũng was one of the key success factors of the campaign, by earning the heat of Hoàng Dũng right after his 25m2 project.
On Social, the campaign activities are surrounded by the main successful factor of light-heated content strategy of a meaningful yet simple message relevant with most of the consumer's inner insight. It was delivered by 3 key phases to ensure driving the most effective communication with cost efficiency.

Well capturing the consumer's insight and behaviors, Samsung corporated with two young artists to release the music video - Hoàng Dũng and Suni Hạ Linh, who are popular among young audiences by their gentle music style with their own uniqueness, as well as have family-relevant imagery.
Given limited budget, Samsung aimed to gain organic impact across channels and platforms by smart use of social tactics. In which, we cannot miss out the opportunity to leverage the influence of the lead KOLs, that's why choosing Hoàng Dũng was one of the key success factors of the campaign, by earning the heat of Hoàng Dũng right after his 25m2 project.
On Social, the campaign activities are surrounded by the main successful factor of light-heated content strategy of a meaningful yet simple message relevant with most of the consumer's inner insight. It was delivered by 3 key phases to ensure driving the most effective communication with cost efficiency.

Phase 1 - Teasing:
Both Hoàng Dũng and Suni Hạ Linh used their influence to tease about the upcoming collaboration project among their huge fan base. In addition, Samsung leveraged mass and music communities to hint about the MV topic like “Who do you want to thank the most after a tough year?” as the very first trigger for curiosity.

Phase 2 - MV Official Launch:
With the message-oriented of spreading a positive “Thank you Home” message and motivating people to take action via the authentic stories of KOLs, as well as the highly engaging social activities on the popular communities via attractive formats (meme content, touching content and minigame). All of those activities mainly aimed to drive organic discussion around the precious values of family-togetherness and lead users to view the MV.

Phase 3 - Sustaining:
To hype-up for the song and popularize “Thank You Home" to be a trend when everyone of us can express our appreciation to our “Home" without hesitation and shyness after registering the meaning of “Thank You Home" via the MV, Samsung created a Tiktok Hashtag Challenge activity on Tiktok platform to encourage users join the dance cover. In which, Tiktokers shared their real stories in the diversified context of “Thank You Home" together with Samsung - the companion of their home during Covid tough time.
As expected, when we tap into the relevant context with the right insights of users, Samsung can awaken users' inner tension to get them to really be part of the campaign, driven mainly via authentic yet simple content strategy as “Simple is the best".


An integrated Digital channel mix helped drive campaign success across channels. While paid media and PR (with around 50% budget) focused on maximizing reach to spread the campaign message, Social played the key role of engaging and inspiring users with 50% remaining budget. On Social, Samsung utilized KOLs to ignite the stories and conversion to inspire users with 10% social budget, in which, 40% is for Content Creator to develop the inspirational stories and 60% is for Micro KOLs, to follow and share their real stories of “Thank You Home" in their own way for virality among social users. The majority of social budget spent on Community fanpages (90%), including mass, music, and young ones, with the objective of amplifying for the MV with multiple formats and tactics, triggering MV view organically.


In summary, “Samsung - Cám Ơn Nhà” is one of the most talked-about campaigns during Festive season with 100% positive feedback from social users, by spreading meaningful and touching message in the right context. Its success proven by impressive results:
+ Gained 221K Buzz, which is over KPI by 110%
+ Attracted more than 2,5M organic views
Regarding business results, there were:
+ Market share Jan 47.1% (+2.1 vs Dec) => maintain No.1 market share
+ Sell-out Jan grow rate 197% vs Dec, 126% vs Last year

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