The Best Innovative Social Media Campaign


5/6/2023 - 28/07/2023


Anymind Group



MILO is strongly associated with “sustained energy” in “sports” consistently. However, recently, the children's nutrition drink territory has been cluttered with more competition fighting for share of the throat, particularly from brands offering enhanced nutritional propositions. As a result of this intense competition challenge, MILO was losing share in the current context. In response, we recognized the need to secure both the share of the throat and mind. Beyond the fight on nutrition, we need to tap on the consumer’s pain point - which is about parenting and gaining share versus competitors. MILO had to go beyond a normal awareness campaign by a novel approach to deeply engage mothers, fostering organic conversation and building a contemporary brand image to make Milo not just highly relevant but a preferred choice for the kid’s nutrition. Rather than relying on conventional advertising tactics, we harnessed the power of immersive experiences and interactive storytelling to captivate mothers' attention and spark genuine dialogue.


Our insight stems from a deep understanding of our target audience - Progressive Moms. These moms are highly involved in their children's nutrition and embrace modern parenting practices. However, their kids - the Generation Alpha or the #GlassGeneration is having a higher screen time making them lose the real-life learnings that happen through sports and experiences in the real world. This generation is characterized by easy access to information and entertainment, leading to concerns about their resilience.    

As mothers want their kids to achieve success in their life, their current approach is very much theoretical and lacks a long-lasting impact and effect on their kids. Milo believes that Grit is the foundation to success, however the best place to learn it is through sports as it presents an ideal avenue for cultivating these essential qualities. Leveraging the familiarity of the Vietnamese idiom "CÓ CHÍ THÌ NÊN," that is deeply established in the cultural consciousness, we aim to emphasize the transformative power of sports in shaping children's character.    

MILO positions itself as more than just a nutritious energy source; it champions sports as a catalyst for building grit, laying the foundation for future success. In today's age where the #GlassGeneration is prone to giving up easily, the emphasis on grit has never been more pertinent. This insight informs our creative approach, guiding us in crafting content that resonates with both Progressive Moms and their screen-savvy children, for a meaningful connection and driving positive behavioral change through social media engagement.


The campaign was named after a deep-rooted Vietnamese idiom “CÓ CHÍ THÌ NÊN” (“Have GRIT, then succeed”) which is what every mom and kid know well since young. But when it comes to any obstacles, they prefer to… quit. THERE IS ALWAYS A GAP FROM KNOWING GRIT TO BUILDING GRIT. It is in sports that kids can learn the GRIT that stays with them for life. MILO named the campaign after this well-known idiom with an aim to turn #GlassGeneration into #GRITGeneration.    

The campaign was brought to life by being not just an awareness campaign but creating a massive #GRITGeneration movement through innovative approach - that engages moms on a nationwide scale and encourages their kids to do sports to build GRIT. MILO used various engagement activities tailored made for each specific platform to celebrate kids’ gritty moments, thus giving moms a chance to celebrate small steps from their kids through innovative social media solution extends across various platforms, from offline activation with giant GRIT Walls to the online movement of #GRITGeneration celebration frame via MILO website, the TikTok branded mission and 1st time trial with creative AI format on Facebook.


MILO's innovative social media solution extends across various platforms, generating halo effects and a domino impact by seamlessly integrating the #CoChiThiNen into the digital landscape.    

This comprehensive approach begins with a series of impactful brand manifestos using the popular idiom #CoChiThiNen through the lens of sports was put up via TVC, digital ads across platforms, OOH billboard & big LEDs.    

At the same time, MILO is partnering with hundreds of moms during the whole journey, from answering and sharing the same concern on the question “Do your kids have GRIT?” when MILO put up the teasing, to initiating & celebrating every GRIT moment of their kids in sports via our personalized #GRITGeneration celebration frame via MILO website. An online movement was then generated.    

MILO did something bigger. From online submission to offline celebration, giving every mom a chance to celebrate their kids in a big way. Giant GRIT Walls are placed in most crowded place, featuring every new joiner of #GRITGeneration.    

MILO knows different platforms have different ways to spread #GRITGeneration out: on TikTok with branded mission and 1st time trial with creative AI format on Facebook, under macro-KOL partnerships.    

And MILO has walked the talk to encourage kids to build GRIT via the well-established ACTIV Vietnam platform and the real-life GRIT stories of Vietnamese Sea Games athletes.


In summary, the innovative way of execution helped the campaign successfully meet the defined objectives, contributing significantly to MILO's overarching business goals.    

At brand & business level, the objective was to gain market share over competitors:  

- Through the campaign, MILO managed to achieve a remarkable increase of +80 bps compared to the pre-campaign period, reaffirming its relevance in a fiercely competitive market landscape.    

At the Campaign level, the objective was to generate massive awareness among the target audience, increase Share of voice with talkability & positive sentiment among moms:  

- The brand top-of-mind awareness has also strengthened phenomenally when the campaign has achieved 1.2M+ mentions on social with a sentiment at the maximum score of 1.0 - the highest buzz ever, a liquid milk brand could manage to have, laddering the brand to #3 outstanding campaigns on social media across all categories at nationwide level in the reputational BSI chart in July 2023.  

- Besides, we received a tremendous positive response from consumers. All innovative assets showed a significant consideration lift across platforms, which showed our message has tapped into a deep insight on their parenting and utilized a strong cultural idiom to build a good association, relevance & differentiation for MILO.    

Moreover, MILO has an ambitious agenda beyond just a mere brand campaign, but to lift this to a national level after by working hand in hand with different stakeholders like government agencies, media and parents to build a strong resilient Vietnamese generation of #GRITGeneration.

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